Hacks for the evening
I know that the most of us may not like mornings and the struggle that comes with it so to make this time of the day more enjoyable I brought you some tricks!
The title says evening hacks but I’m talking about mornings… what’s going on??? I tell you in a sec!
So if you take an activity and schedule it anywhere elsején in your day you’ll have some space where the activity originally was. This means if you take the hardest and most time-wasting tasks from your morning and do it in the evening you’ll have a calmer rise! These tasks should be the ones that need brainwork, and a little more time in the morning when you half asleep trying to complete them!
1. Meal Prep
I guess this one I don’t have to over explain. Cooking is time-consuming and if you trying to find out what to eat that day in the morning you’ll end up going back to sleep a little more and buying some fast food later. So prepare your meals! And if you’d like to eat something that’s not a sandwich, I recommend you buying some glass or plastic containers!

2. Clean as you go!
Cleaning is not only good for our environment but also good for our soul, since when we need to get up in the morning it is easier to take this step into a clean space. If we’re trying to fight this problem in the morning we’ll only end up being irritated by the fact we couldn’t finish this task, and that we even have to arrive home for this dirty house…
3. Clothes, makeup & everything
I must tell that the clothes part even I can’t really keep because my mood changes overnight, but at least I prepare my makeup for the morning. It’s a professional harm that I have tons of makeup and unless I create a special bag for the everyday makeup I could totally get lost in the sea of makeup! (Soon I’m coming with a post related to this bag!)
Regarding my clothes, I can choose my outfits quite easily because I try to collect versatile items, but if somehow I can’t find the right one I still have some Jolly Joker outfits in my wardrobe!
And if we think about the fact that a woman through her life spends a year finding out what to wear in the morning, we must save some time by picking an outfit in the evening when our brain still functions quite fast!

4. A woman's bag
If we got the perfect outfit, we could finally find out which bag we should carry, so let’s start packing in the evening! This way if we forget something we still have enough time to think it through and pack it in the morning, and not realizing on our way on the bus that we left our wallet at home…
Another good trick is having a box where we keep our stuff we usually carry in our bags, so when we change the bags we can easily pack the new one this way avoiding leaving things at home!

Do you struggle waking up in the morning because you fell asleep too late and you even slept poorly? This may be in connection with the screens you’re watching all day! This is a very common problem among people working on the computer but this can appear in any case. Try putting down all our appliances or even turning them off minimum 1 hour before sleep. Instead, read a book or chat with your loved ones, this way making falling asleep, waking up and even the sleeping itself easier!
4+1 Switching Off
If you liked my hacks, please click the like button and share them with your friends as well!
Out of Schedule
I know that when reorganizing the blog I made a statement, that I will produce 2 contents from week to week, but if you scroll back down through my posts on any of my menupoints, you could see, that I didn’t really keep it… As one of my leaders used to say “In everyone's life there are states when you can not do anything against it! All you can do is drifting with it until it ends!” Well, I’m in one of these states since June… I got back to my work from last summer, I continued working for AVON, at the beginning of June someone asked me for another job as a sales assistant, and in August I got hired for a social media management internship program, and so for August I had 4 jobs, and above all, I had my blog as well....
A few weeks earlier I was at a family gathering and I was telling my cousin what I work, and all she could say was “Wow if you have that many jobs, at the end of summer you’ll be a billionaire!” And all I could do was laughing since I am just as close to being a billionaire as my 7 years old dog…

I don’t think that I have to apologize but at the same time, I’m feeling a little guilty that this love child of mine, which I brought up and developed I neglected this much.
Yesterday after a not so tiring but workday I had two options how I continue my afternoon: I either be productive and start creating content for my blog, or I go to the local beach for which I was waiting for since June… Yes, you guessed it, I chose the last one. And thinking back it was the best decision, not because that I didn’t want to “work” with the content, but because both my mind and my body was craving being at the beach and rest!
I don’t want to start explaining, but to make things clear: I either work 6 or 7 days a week and when I finally get home all I have the energy for is say ‘Hello’ to my love. Above all, on Sunday I woke up with a stinging feel right between my two scapulas, and later it turned out to be muscle adhesion which means even my body indicated that this is not OK… From this, I’m still healing but now I’m much better!
- End of Complaining -
The point is that thanks to a smaller breakdown I wanted to tell you the reason why my posting “schedule” is so chaotic. I’m trying my best to deal with this as a professional, but it can be hard sometimes. In the future, I’ll be trying out a new mechanism which hopefully will work out!
Until then I hope I didn’t take away your mood to read and follow my blog, next week I’m coming with USEFUL contents! :)
Hope it didn’t turn out too lethargic…
4 things to integrate into your daily routine
Unfortunately, I am quite slipped with posting, but I hope it didn’t take your spirit from reading my blog! Yesterday I could rest a little bit, and I found out that I have to schedule a little “me time” into my everyday routine, so I started to surf through Pinterest to see what is recommended which doesn’t take up half a day. These are the most recommended activities that I am now trying to integrate into my daily life!
1. 7 hours of sleep
I guess I didn’t say anything new with this one, but If we think about, as we are buried in work, we have less and less time for this kind of recharge, and it doesn’t matter how relaxing the yoga is, we do every day if we are sleep-deprived! Though I almost every day wake up around 6 am, I consciously pay attention to my sleeping habits, and I make sure not to get in bed at midnight! Our brain needs at least 7 hours of sleep to function properly, especially if it is heavily loaded in the majority of the days!

2. Slow Eating
This expression means that not only that we sit down while slowly and calmly eat out homemade food, but also that without any electronics in our hands or next to us. If there’s something I’m very guilty of is this one, since, besides the fact I was barely eating something, and that something was usually fast food or processed food, I always did it in front of my laptop or my phone… I still have to try very hard to get used to this one again, I even started my week with homemade food and slow eating!
3. Workout
I know this one is a tough nut to crack to integrate into our days but if you think about it: movement produces endorphin, so even with 20 minutes of working out, you can elevate your mood! Yesterday among other I got to work out and besides the fact that I was very tired at the end, I felt so good all night! This was “good fatigue”! Even if I couldn’t do a whole hour workout, I settle the bill with 20-30 minutes of yoga! I have a perfect app for this, called “DownDog”, where you can choose between time intervals, and if you subscribe, you can even choose the body part you want to concentrate on! The narration is excellent, and the video is very useful as well!
Nowadays I pay huge attention to this point, because after the day-long mental load, it feels very good, to finally work my body!

4. "Me-Time"
Besides the fact we are spending time with our loved ones, we need some time to be alone, and recover ourselves! In the case of us, girls, it could be a manicure, pedicure, a hot bath, or scheduling a facial treatment etc. Anything could act as me-time as long as it is not stressful! Last time I, for example, read some magazines next to a huge cup of coffee! Me-time different for every person!
That was all for today, hope you liked it so far! If you did, please click the "LIKE" button, and follow me on social media!

A Day With Me
Please welcome my very first video blog, which I “shot” almost a week ago on a very busy day of mine! As you could hear in the video as well, please forgive me the more or less bloopers, since this is the first time, I upload anything like a vlog…
In case you would like to see the previous videos, please go to Nuances De La Mode YouTube channel, the link you can find at The White Space channel as well!
New Post On Wednesday!

Welcome Back!
Finally, welcome again to my renewed blog, named The White Space! After long days/weeks of working my final idea came alive, though there’re still some touch-ups needed… I didn’t want to hit the ground running immediately, I wanted to tell the story of the creation process, and how my good-old Nuances De La Mode blog became The White Space Blog within a few weeks!
So after recognizing the problem, I instantly started to think about the needed innovations, and the first and most important one was the name! I started to look at fashion slangs, and suddenly I found the expression “white space”. Since my little sister was my main helper creating the logo, I asked her opinion first, and she approved my choice! “White Space” is the unprinted area of a piece of printing, a blank space. In my opinion, this expression can act as a metaphor, since I’d like to fill in this blank space in the forest of fashion and beauty related blogs, with my content.
When the name was born, my sister started to do the sketches, and days after the final logo was ready to go!
Meanwhile, I was working on the blog itself, since my biggest aim was creating an “easy to handle” surface. I started to build up the new menu, I started to separate the Hungarian and the English pages, I created the new home feed, the gallery, and the upshot pretty much amazed me! I wouldn’t have thought that these small changes could do this much on my blog!
After that came the social media platforms since the majority of my visitors arrive from Instagram or Facebook. I created a schedule for each platform and it had a good result! On Facebook, within 2 days I reached the same amount of likes as the previous site of Nuances De La Mode, and on Instagram, I reached almost 30 plus followers in 6 days! Slowly but steadily I move forward and I truly wish that one-day thousands of people will read my posts, pictures, and videos!
For those who so far have been with me, I’d like to thank you, and those who’re new to the blog: Welcome! And thanks for clicking on me!
New Post On Saturday
I’ve been asked a lot in the past few weeks, why I don’t post as frequently as I used to. I have a very simple reason: examination period! Unfortunately, I couldn’t plan my work and study schedule as well as I hoped, and I didn’t want to publish anything which is not 100% OK. I know this is not the best attitude, but I can help myself.

The other reason why my activity reduced is the thought of an image change. When I started blogging, I knew, the name, Nuances De La Mode won’t be eventual, and now the time has come to change it into something easier and recognizable. (Of course later I will inform you about the changes, but I welcome the suggestions of yours for example in my Instagram stories! )
In the future, I would love to expand the content of my YouTube channel, this way increasing the visual content as well. I already have a few videos uploaded, but these are just the first steps.
The other changes I’d like to make are the appearance and the system, to make the website more transparent!
I’m thinking of the idea of the newsletters, but because of the GDPR changes, it will be hard nuts…
In case of any suggestions about the name, content or just the development write me bravely on my Instagram, Facebook, or email! I’d love to read your opinions!
Thank you very much for your patience, and I hope, I can make changes that you’ll like!
when you have to pause...
Hello Everyone!
Hope, you enjoy this long weekend! Today I brought you some help, in connection with the question: How can your phone help you with relaxation, winding down and even sleeping.
As the most of you may know I had been lacking my good old SAMSUNG phone since I dropped it a way that only a full-screen change could help... Based on this problem I started to egg my family to advance my 20th birthday gift in the form of a new phone. About 3 weeks earlier my new XIAOMI Redmi Note 4 has arrived and cheered up on this fact I started to download a bunch of different Apps, but the most of them I could only put to use a few days ago.

Since in the past weeks I worked, studied and ran all over the place a lot, it happened that my brain become very saturated and I couldn’t think straight. I’ve read a lot about the benefits of meditation, but since I couldn’t identify with the spiritual part, I thought it doesn’t worth trying.Until last week, when I found “Meditation” at Play Store. It’s a very simple app, where you can practice guided meditation. It was a huge help to me because the reason why I couldn’t sleep well a long ago was the fact that switching off my brain was impossible. With these guided meditations I only paid attention to what the instructor said, and didn’t care about my thought!
(To avoid any misconceptions: I only started to do this to clear my mind for a few minutes a day, and not for any spiritual reasons. I won’t be a living Buddha statue…)

The next application is “Prana Breath” in which you can practice breathing. If you think of the biological side, your body and brain can not function without enough oxygen, so the correct breathing is a key to productivity. You can choose the period of the practice, the sound signal, even the pace of the breathing. After using this app, I can think and solve problems easier and I even feel more refreshed!

The “Sleepo” app is the simplest application you can imagine! We can choose between different white noises and can mix maximum 6 of them as well. I usually use it when I write, draw or doing a kind of work when listening to music would be disturbing.

Last but not least let’s talk about my oldest application: “Sleep Cycle” which is basically a smart alarm. It only starts to wake you up when you are in the lightest possible sleep state. It analyzes and monitors the sleep phases, and based on this diagram it starts to wake you up when it’s the most appropriate. I can especially recommend this app for those who tend to hit the snooze button since this app starts the alarm 30 minutes before the time set. Before the final alarm you can turn the clock off by only lifting your phone, and the final alarm you can only switch it off by going into the app. This one is my personal favorite, I use it for a longer period than the others, and it helped me a lot in the mornings!

I hope I did say something new and useful if you liked the topic, please click the LIKE button! Also, you can follow me on social media, so I can inform you about the new posts immediately!
makeup academy part III.
Hello Everyone!
This time, I brought you another MakeUp Academy related post, since because of my phone I couldn’t take bearable pictures. Now with my new pone maybe I can compensate a little bit for not posting about the last class…

We started at 9 am just like at the first time, at the AVON Contact Point in Budapest, tough a little bit drowsily, but we started the class as we arrived. Again the first turn was Doris’, she showed us the first makeup: an everyday Mark makeup with a little twist. After creating a shadow in the crease, we create a cut-crease with a bit of concealer, and apply a light color into the inner part of the eyes, and then blend them together with a peachy- pinkish color.

The second look was based on the classic eyeliner! We had to experiment on a natural base and had to find out which shape is perfect for the model sitting in front of us. The most of us bleed to death at this point, but later, with more or less correction finally, I believe, everyone succeeded!

After lunch we had to face the last task of the day: mixing the two techniques, so we had to create the epic “Instagram makeup”. Though we were instructed to use the same colors, I wanted to experiment with new colors, so I started to use a bright blue, this is how it turned out:

Galló Inez
Kertész Luca
Havrilla Éva
This day was great and I was very happy that we could finally work with brighter colors, and different techniques. (Besides the fact, that we could work with beautiful models, so the looks we much more intense!)
I hope I did say something new and useful if you liked the topic, please click the LIKE button! Also, you can follow me on social media, so I can inform you about the new posts immediately!
Don’t forget New Post On Friday!
easy morning
Hello Everyone!
As I mentioned in my previous post, my daily routine changed a lot, but thankfully it was on purpose! Since my days are quite busy these days I found out I need some changes to be more efficient and to attain this I started to read articles on the topic.
I had to state that the most of my programs I can’t modify according to my needs, but I still can reorganize other activities that depend on me, to save time. One of the first activities I decided to reorganize was my morning routine and exercising.

Until a few weeks earlier my mornings looked like this:
I usually woke up 1,5-2 hours before I had to leave the house, except when I had to leave in the afternoon, after that, I used to lay and wallow in bed for 30-40(!) minutes. Scrolling through social media, switching on TV etc... When I finally did get out of bed, I went straight to the kitchen to grab my breakfast or breakfast coffee, and then I went back to where I started, to my bed… The time when I realized I had only half an hour to leave for my bus, I started my 20 procedure to wash my face, do my makeup, and as a final touch I dressed up rapidly. After that, I used to pack my bag and my food for the day, but usually in a mortal hurry, since I had to leave in a few minutes till my bus. In the end, as a “final touch” while leaving the half of my stuff, and the leftover coffee of mine at home, on the double I go to catch my bus.
So my aim with these sweeping changes is to avoid running late in the morning and to leave the house put-together.

The base of changing my mindset was the posts on Pinterest I’ve read about the topic of “the benefits of working out in the morning” in which we can get to know the fact, that working out in the morning can burn more calories and can set your mood for the day as well. On Pinterest, I created a board dedicated to this topic, and if you follow my account, you could read more, useful articles in connection lifestyle.
Inspired by these articles I thought that I will integrate exercising into my morning routine, so I started to plan the ideal morning of mine. One thing I was sure about: in that 30-40 minutes what I spent laying in bed, looking at my phone I can use to work out. The other thing that came to my mind was about eating: I must leave eating and drinking my coffee for the last steps of my morning to fully get ready without having to hurry with my breakfast.

Based on these facts I created the perfect morning routine:
Usually, I have so much to do that I must start my morning earlier to get everything done, this is why I wake up at 5.00 am and by 5.05-10 am I’m out of bed to dress up for my workout. In this 5 to 10 minutes I try to motivate myself for working out with the help of Pinterest. Don’t think that my stance changed momently, and I just fly out from bed in the mornings! There are days when I really suffer to wake up, but I have to realize, I can’t waste my time with moaning. These days I try not to think about “what would be if I sleep 5 minutes more”, instead I just jump out of bed without thinking. After finishing my workout at around 5.35 am, I go to take a shower and to wash my face. I deliberately don’t do full hour workouts, since 1. I can’t fit it in my mornings, I can’t wake up early enough, 2. I feel like this 20-25 minutes of intense workout is enough. As I finished showering I do my makeup and dress up. (If I don’t dress up straight away, at least I prepare my clothes for the day.) Then I pack my bags and I prepare my breakfast. Some days I have to prepare my meals for the day in the morning, but I try to do this step the night before to save that time the next day. Usually by this time I have about 20-25 minutes till my bus, so I don’t have to hurry. As the last step I make my bed and tidy up a little, so when I arrive home late, I don’t have to bother with this task.

The difference is very noticeable and I experienced the benefits of the changes right after I started. Since I started to workout in the mornings I don’t feel that yearning towards going back to sleep that I used to, now I feel very refreshed and more active during the day. Last but not least I have time to think through my day, even those little parts like what to wear that day, or what to eat for breakfast.
For those who think - She’s insane! I don’t care what she wrote, I still will snooze through the whole morning! - I can only recommend trying out waking up early enough to finish all the tasks for a week! In the “worst” case you win some extra hours! Even I had to get used to this routine, but after a few days I started to feel the benefits, and this motivated me even better. Of course, I decided to change and it was my motivation, but this motivation increased as I started. I must mention that on my rest days I do sleep in! It doesn’t mean I sleep until 11 am, but I do try to set up my programs the way that I can spend my morning in bed.
A plus tip for waking up earlier: Sleep Cycle App (LINK)
Thanks for reading this article, hope it was useful!
Please follow me on social media, so I can inform you about the updates!
Don’t forget: from this point NEW POST ON FRIDAY!!!
Hello Everyone!
As I told you before, a few weeks earlier I had the opportunity to apply for AVON’s Makeup Academy, and two weeks ago I got a notice that I got into this course!!! This Tuesday (13.03) was the first day of the Academy, and full of experience I thought I will share the happenings of the first course.
(See the mentioned post here:)

Luckily I participated with one of my colleagues, so we arrived together to the AVON ContactPoint to Budapest at 9.30. The course took place in a beautiful office, where they previously prepared the necessary equipment. When everyone has arrived we could finally start the day with a short briefing, and this was time for our gifts as well. We got a brush holder, 4 makeup brushes, a powder puff, and a bracelet. Besides that, we even got a summary booklet, with all the information which we will need at the exam!

The first look was a natural makeup based on the AVON True collection. Firstly Doris, AVON Hungary’s makeup artist showed us the steps on one of the models, and after that, it was our turn to recreate that. While we were doing the makeup Doris and Ditti the two experts were watching our work, and if there was something to correct they let us know.

After taking thousands of photos we went to lunch and after we returned to the makeup chairs. Our next task was another natural, but a typical MARK makeup, which means a more extravagant look. The order was the same: after watching Doris doing the makeup we, the 6 academists, tried to recreate it. But this time Doris asked the models to switch artist, so we can experiment with more skin and face types. To be honest this look I liked more since it isn’t just a casual makeup look, it’s wilder than the usual.

At the end of the day, we did a little review of the course and we discussed the next courses’ appointments. I really enjoyed this day, and surprisingly I wasn’t tired at all, moreover, I felt refreshed, since I totally switched my brain off while doing the makeup. Moreover, I really liked the constructive criticism we got when needed since without knowing what we’re doing wrong, we can not evolve. The atmosphere was great, and I’m so glad for the gifts we got. A makeup artist cannot have enough brushes, so the case came very handy and the inherent brushes proved to be perfect as well.
I really look for the next day of the course, to spend another day with creating and learning and I can’t wait until the fashion makeup section either!
If you liked the topic and want to know more about the following courses, click the “LIKE” button and follow me on social media!
Have a nice weekend and don’t forget NEW POST EVERY THURSDAY!

Special thanks for the photos:
Lilla Lajkó
Évi Simon

how to relax?
Nice Day Everyone, hope you are having a wonderful Women’s Day!
As I mentioned in yesterday’s Instagram post, to stay true to Women’s Day, I brought a topic, which in my opinion is not easy for everyone, and this is relaxation.
Since my days are filled in with school, work and blogging, I usually realize at the end of a month that another few weeks passed, and I’m even more tired. In the past weeks, I try to make more time for my inside and outside refresh, since based on the previous mistakes I know, I can think, work and solve problems easier if I’m relaxed and happy with myself.
Even during my high-school graduation I realized, though I wanted the best grades, I shouldn’t stay up until 2 am studying and sleeping not more than 4 hours a day. This habit left a mark on my performance and mood as well. After my environment detected the changes I decided not to subordinate my health and wellness to my grades.
To this faithful, for 2 years now I fit in a relax day and try to sleep 7- hours, and thanks to this I1m more energized, my mood is better and I my company is more enjoyable! ;) Another thing that I pay attention to is exercise. Nowadays I do a lot of sitting work so my back and neck hurt a lot and I’m even more “dreamy” when I don’t exercise, but when I arrive home at the end of the day I’m not in the mood to do so...For this reason, I started to work out in the mornings, and this affected my days the best way. I know the most of you states I’m crazy, since I’m usually ready with y workout by half past 5, but I can wake up easier, and don’t have those chills when you wake up early and shivering till you arrive to work cause you’re so tired. That was my morning.
The relaxing day I try to plan for those days when we are both at home with Dani (my love), but sometimes we can’t plan the right way. The listed activities contain pieces of advice for singles and pairs as well.
1. planning

This may not sound very relaxing for the first time, but I realized, I’m much calmer when I planned my week, my to-dos, so I don’t have to worry about forgetting something important. 2 weeks ago I did purchase an "My Dream Life Planner", which I wanted so much! But why am I so excited about a simple planner? Because it isn’t a simple planner! :D It has a weekly and a monthly planner in it, and my favorite part is the “life rating” pages where you can think about different parts of your life and you can even write down your current goals to keep in mind!
Here you can check out the website:
2. magazines

I try not to watch TV and don’t read the news to protect myself from the headlines like “Kidnapped” “Killed” or “Involved in an accident”. The only platform where I can find a topic that I’m interested in and is relaxing is printed media. The Cosmo and Glamour readers don’t listen, but I must say, I don’t like these magazines since the only things we can find inside are bazar pages and love tests. The only purpose they’re good for is the inspiration.
My favorite magazines are Elle and Marie Claire, which I buy every month for 3 years now. Moreover, since I study fashion management I collect all the information about the fashion industry, the developments and the news from these! We can read a lot of interesting articles even beauty and fashion related tips and ideas.
3. bath

This could only be an option for those with a bathtub, but I think there are several good ideas on the internet for showers as well. If I can I take a hot bath at the end of the day, especially now in the colder weather, but I try to spice up this routine! One of my favorites is this Pomegranate-Peony Scented Bubble Bath from AVON, and a few days ago I got a LUSH bath bomb that I plan to try out the following days. Sometimes I even apply some kind of facemask, but this belongs to the beauty topic! ;)
4. date night in

A night in with a good movie and a glass of wine or champagne. This is our favorite relax tie activity if we are both home in the evening. Since we are both very busy, there’s no way we are going out on weekdays to the crowded city center. Most frequently the only thing we do is staying at home, pick a movie and a bottle of drink and preparing some food. (The alcohol is not essential for our nights in, but if we feel like it, we open one! ;) ) Though I usually fall asleep while watching the movie, this activity is my favorite since this is the time when we can cuddle up.
5. Creating

Nowadays, unfortunately, I spent less time with this hobby of mine, but still, my only wish is improving. Mostly I like to design clothes, and drawing close up of eyes. Somehow the reflections in the eyes enchant me, so this is my favorite theme. If I draw or create the only thing I can listen to is classical music, this can switch me off immediately. Creativity isn’t always equal to drawing or painting since I like to try out other methods like planting and sewing.
If this topic was helpful, please click the ‘LIKE’ button!
And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Instagrem and Pinterest to be updated about my blog!
Happy Women’s Day and Try to Relax a Lot!
an important state in my life
Hello Everyone!
You could recognize the fact that products from AVON started to appear a lot more in my posts than before. The reason for this is that in September I started to work for the brand as a coordinator. In my first months a Beauty Ambassador noticed my love for makeup, so in the new year we started to work together, and in February I became a Beauty Ambassador as well! In this position, there are plenty of options to chose from. The most important option is a 5 days long training at AVON MakeUp Academy, held by AVON Hungary’s makeup artist, Doris Szabó! It can be a huge opportunity because these courses can cost more than 1000 euros!
This is the makeup that I did for the competition to get into that 6 person who can participate in this Academy:

I think this makeup characterizes my style: The base and the liner is very simple, but the turquoise in the waterline spices up the whole look.
If you would like to know the way I did this makeup, hit the like button, and soon I report the final result of the competition!
bullet journal
Hello Everyone, hope you are having a wonderful day!
If you follow me on Instagram, you could see, that this year I started Bullet Journaling, which means you can create a unique calendar based on your necessities. Although I met the idea last year, mostly on YouTube, I thought that this, so-called Bullet Journal is for those who have lots of free time, since the heart of Bullet Journaling is that YOU create the whole calendar and fill in a whole book with your ideas.

I’m sure, now you are asking: Why did you start Bullet Journaling while thinking it’s a waste of time? The reason is very simple: the agenda, I ordered is still not arrived. In the past 3 years, I lived by my agenda and calendar and it became a part of my daily life, so I needed some quick solution, till the ordered arrives. This solution was Bullet Journaling, but after a 1-month use, I know, this will not be temporary.

After a month I know, that this is not only for those with a plenty of free time. When I first sat down to draw the ages, I knew, that this time spent with editing will be my creative time, when the only thing I have to do is to let my fantasy drive my hands. Those who scroll through my social platforms know that I have a little artistic line in me, but unfortunately these days I don’t have time for this hobby of mine, so it came handy that I „must” create something month to month while editing the book.
Though I’m not really experienced in Journaling, I wanted to share the way I created mine and the sources where I got my inspirations from.
First I started with the basic pages like the year and month indicator, the monthly planner, the weekly planner.
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Then I created the additional pages like one for colour codes, a weekly/monthly to do list, monthly goals and a page for my post ideas divided into categories.
After a few days I decided that I will do a double page monthly calendar, where I can see the whole months and I only indicate the most improtatnt dates. This is very important for my job, where I must see the month as a whole, so I can schedule the workflows.
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By clicking the button down below, you can see pictures and site where I got my inspiration from, and if you like something don’t be afraid to save/pin it and use it!
I know that I don’t use this Journal for a long time, but I really like the idea, that you can create the perfect journal based on your needs and according to your daily life. And the fact, that Pinterest is an endless source of inspiration is a big bonus.
I hope the article was helpful, and I ensure you, I will report about this topic later as well.
Don’t forget New post every THURSDAY!
Have a Really Nice Day!
my ultimate porridge recipe
Since this week I will upload another video, which will be a Morning Routine, I thought, I will show you my ultimate breakfast recipe. This porridge, I make almost every morning, not only because it gives me the energy to do my best till lunch time, but it takes 10 minutes to be ready.
Oat has several health benefits, to read about it, click here!
It took a few days to experiment the way I like it the most, but it does worth the time!

- 1 cup of oats
- 2 cups of milk
- 2 tablespoon of brown sugar
- 2 tablespoon of cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- lemon peel
- apricot
Put each of the ingredients into a pan, except the peach and the lemon. Cook it on medium level, for about 10 minutes, till it thickens. When it's done, put the porridge into a cereal bowl, sprinkle it with some lemon peel, and add apricot.

Though the Marie Claire Fashion Days 2017 was organized more than a month ago, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to write a report about this happening. Although I failed to make videos of each fashion show, the most memorable one I could record, which you can see later.
Marie Claire Fashion Days 2017
The event took place at Várkert Bazár, Budapest between November 17 and 19, but unfortunately, the tickets for the first day were sold out, when I found the event on Facebook. You must know that this was the first fashion show what I could see as one of the spectators, and not as a model, so this experience was quite strange. I’ve always wanted to visit the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, but besides the unrealistically expensive tickets, I couldn’t afford it. This is the reason why was I so happy when I saw that the tickets were only 4000 Forint (approximately 12 euros), since such brands have been presented like Nude by NUBU, Mode by Sandor Lakatos or Elysian.
The second day my companion was Nóri (from Norahs Lifestyle Blog). When we arrived, the show that was going was the Schwartzkopf Professional Hair Show, where the master hairdresser made the model’s hair on stage while being danced around by contemporary dancers. After the show we ended up in the lobby where the sponsors were exhibiting their counters, and where many sweepstakes took place. Of the drinks VÖSLAUER and Hungárai Champagne, of the preservation of the colors, Perwoll took care.
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Among the gorgeous and sometimes astounding collections the most memorable one was the ROMANI fashion show, about what I brought you a video:
My Channel
My Channel

Marie Claire Fashion Days 2017 - ROMANI

Marie Claire Fashion Days 2017 - ROMANI
For the third and also the last day I switched my companion to my boyfriend, with whom we tried out all of the free programs and took part in every sweepstake. This is what we came home with: approximately 12 pack of HARIBO gummyfrogs, 4 numbers of Marie Claire Magazine, a gold C&A pouch, a Lucky Shepherd key holder and 4 packs of Perwoll detergent samples. Over and above I even got my hair done by one of the master hairdressers from Schwartzkopf Proffessionel. They were very kind since despite that they wanted to leave they told me to sit down and they willingly curled my hair. All in all, it was a very pleasant weekend spent with my love and my friend, and I am also very happy about the fact that not only my boyfriend came with me, but also he enjoyed it!
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You could see, that me and Nóri were live during a few shows, and if you want to see more of our everydays, please follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and also write us what would you like to see: makeup, fashion, fashion shows etc.
mod'art budapest
On the 8th of June was the day, when the fashion show of Mod’Art International Hungary was held. At this event, the visitors could see a show where the senior students showed up their diploma collection. Since I was a model, you can get a sneak peek of the backstage-life.
8.00 – The arrival of the models to Tesla, where the staff has been working to get ready for the shows and for the exams. After solving the problems (no hair dresser, only few MUA…) preparing has begun. From the futuristic to the femme fatale you could see any kind of looks. I got a classic makeup and straight hair, since the designer who I was modeling for, designed garments based on menswear.
10.30 – Makeup and hair done, models are dressed up, the exam has begun. Not only had the designers create a collection from 5 silhouettes , but a 6th silhouette, with a conception called „virtual tradition”, which they had to present in a different section.
14.00 – After a longer lunch break the staff gathered again to do some rehearsing. Music, lights, choreography. After all, we headed back to the backstage, where we met the MUAs, and the hair dressers for even more touch-up.
17.00 – The time when the guests start to gather and the excitement thriving. Almost every model got dressed, the designers nervously scans the crowd, and a part of the staff welcomes the guests.
18.00 - Finally the show has started… One collection after another without any problem. The defilé ended int he middle of a great applause.
20.00 – Quickly comes the other date. The music sounds and the show started, but this time we had a little problem… One of the pants got torn, so the boy, who wore them had to hurry down from the catwalk.
21.00 – Everybody congratulates, and all you can hear from the designers was „Finally we are done!”. Everybody’s tiredly packing, getting dressed up, and somebody’s going to the local bars to celebrate.
Brands and Designers
Ich! by Göbölös Eszter
Apocalypse Please by Dely Luca
Missingscrew by Tóth Viktória
Szarka Dorottya
Alice by Gulyás Aliz
David Faidt
Forget-me-not by Cintia Zolcsak
Kóré Szilvia